Budapest, Hungary



There is a recent development in UVC field called Far-UVC which is a limited spectrum of UVCas efficient as conventional germicidal UVC light in killing microorganisms. Far-UVC is in 207-222nm wavelength range and has no potential to cause skin and eye problems as in conventional UVC light sources in animal studies. Regulatory exposure limits are not yet allowing use of this newly promising disinfection technology in unrestricted manner in the presence of humans in the environment. Initus-V 222 system combines ergonomic wearable Far-UVC resistant textiles and a filtered 222nm Far-UVC light source to allow Far-UVC technology to be used without any restriction in the presence of humans all over the world. Initus-V 222 system is eliminating the long-term damage hesitation due to lack of long term clinical human studies and enabling continuous air and surface disinfecton continuously without any safety or regulatory concern. Initus-V 222 system has CE mark.

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There is a recent development in UVC field called far-UVC. Far-UVC light (207 to 222 nm) is a limited spectrum of UVC and is as efficient as conventional germicidal UV light in killing microorganisms and recent revealed that Far-UVC exposure do not cause skin and eye problems as in conventional UVC. Far-UVC light can only penetrate a few micrometers in biologic materials and startum corneum and cannot reach living human cells in the skin or eyes, being absorbed in the skin stratum corneum or the ocular tear layer. A few micrometer of biological penetrance is enough for killing virus and bacteria. Far-UVC has same germicidal efficacy but without health hazards of conventional UVC.

Initus-V system passed CE requirements and received CE mark. During certification and clinical trial processes Oson release test, Covid19 inactivation tests, bacterial inactivation tests and textile Far-UVC blocking property tests were obtained.

Far-UVC light is a new and evolving technology but regulatory exposure limits by regulatory bodies are changing. Initus-V 222 system combines ergonomic wearable textiles and filtered Far-UVC light source to allo Far-UVC technology to be used without any restriction all over the world. Daily exposure limits for 222nm wavelength are changing due to new animal and clinical studies and standard limit is 22 mj/cm2 for 8 hour daily exposure. New ACGIH 2022 guideline increased exposure limits for eye to 60 and skin to 478 mj/cm2 for 8 hour Daily exposure (  Initus-V 222 allows remote controlled On/Off switching and operating mode selection by the operatör to comply with different standarts according to table below. Multi mode operational mode makes Initus-v 222 universal system usable all over the world and needed environments.